Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Morning Statistics

Monday Statistics

Good morning South County! Here are your weekly updates on what is happening in your neighborhoods. Feel free to contact me if you want more specific information. As of this week:

Morgan Hill has 214 active listings and 71 sale pendings

Gilroy has 255 active listings and 180 sale pendings

San Martin has 39 active listings and 15 sale pendings

Area 1 (all of the above) has 507 active listings and 266 sale pendings.

Market appears to be holding steady with little change in the numbers. But I see a lot of people ready to buy. There is a lot of activity with showings in my listings and open houses. People want to buy homes and make movement in their lives. One day the “damn” is going to break and we are going to have a busy market once again.

Stay tuned for regular updates!

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