Friday, May 22, 2009


And getting back up

Last month, I was taking a horseback riding lesson with my daughter when I was bucked off my horse. I did not land gracefully. Well maybe gracefully isn’t the point, I was badly hurt and in a lot of pain and to be honest, I was also scared about the extent of my injuries. I was on the couch for several weeks and doing the bare minimum to survive. This did not include writing on my blog. Sorry.

However, I have not really been connected to my blog this winter for several reasons. One is I have been very busy with real estate and there are just so many hours in the day. But I miss writing on my blog and keeping you all in touch with the latest updates and all the many changes going on in real estate. I found working on articles about new legislation, writing my thought processes about property I had been viewing and sharing my experiences in real estate sharpened my senses and helped me fine tune my real estate knowledge.

It’s fun. I love what I do and I like to share my insights and experiences and hope that it helps, adds to the education of a public that has an overload of information without the tools to process them in a practical way that benefits them. That’s my job. To protect you, help you make good decisions and sometimes help you to get out of your own way.

So onward to more blogging, more information and hopefully more courageous (and interesting) reporting.

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